The Buyer
Soave Tour Part 2: Where and how Soave can be a success in the UK

Soave Tour Part 2: Where and how Soave can be a success in the UK

Invite 10 people to an event and they will each come away with their own personal reflection on what they have all experienced. In order to fully understand what each of the panelists who took part in The Buyer’s Soave Restaurant Tour felt about taking part we asked them to assess the wines, the food, the pairings and what they think are the opportunities for Soave producers and their wines in the UK. Here are the first of two articles talking to each of the buyers, importers and wine writers who took part. You can read part one of the report here.

* All photographs by Thomas Skovsende.

Richard Siddle
9th October 2024by Richard Siddle
posted in Debates,Insight,

Buyers’ perceptions

Alessandro Comitini, Armit Wines

The Buyer

Armit's Alessandro Comitini says the region has to work hard to ensure it maintains its signature freshness, flavour and body in the wines

What was your perception of Soave in terms of its diversity, versatility and quality of its wines before the tour?

A coop-dominated appellation producing inexpensive, unremarkable wines. High quality is entirely producer-led and can be made in a range of different styles.

Did that change during and after the tour - and if so why?

Yes, to a degree. The coop’s offer has improved.

What do you see as Soave's big point of difference and what it should look to build on?

Soave can be a characterful, focused and textural wine. What Garganega can produce should not be stripped away in favour of neutral, Pinot Grigio-like wines. Concentrating on maintaining its signature freshness, flavour and body whilst maintaining an attractive price can be achieved.

Does it need to do more to explain the differences in complexity and ageing and DOC vs DOCG?

The Buyer

The Soave wines performed well against the different cuisines

The Buyer

I think it needs a better explanation. DOCG originally was born with the Superiore mention, but with climate change reaching minimum alcohol is not an issue. Having Soave Classico both DOC and DOCG is confusing. I believe DOCG should carry a UGA to become exclusively a single vineyard production.

Are you more likely to list and talk about Soave wines as a result of going on the tour?

It was already on the radar, I’ll keep looking with renewed interest.

What price points do you think work best for Soave in the premium on and off-trade?

I think the £16.90-£34.90 price range works best for the off-trade and between £60 to £90 in the on-trade.

Which food and wine matches were particularly successful?

Grilled shrimps, vegetable empanada, grilled octopus, rice paper spring rolls with oyster sauce dip.

What did you think of the restaurant tour concept?

It worked well, it showcased the versatility (style/food pairing) and potential (ageing potential) of the wines.

Sergio de Luca, Enotria&Coe

The Buyer

Sergio de Luca was pleased to see both such a diversity of styles and such quality wines during the tour

What was your perception of Soave in terms of its diversity, versatility and quality of its wines before the tour?

It is interesting to see Soave trying to get an identity for itself and, finally, to propose a character that is not based on neutrality, like it has in the past.

Did that change during and after the tour - and if so why?

I like how the tour was structured with current vintages first and then superior style and older wines later.

What do you see as Soave's big point of difference and what it should look to build on?

Fresh, but at the same time structured. The wine needs to show character and not neutrality. The consumer needs to remember what he or she drinks.

Does it need to do more to explain the differences in complexity and ageing and DOC vs DOCG?

The Consortium needs to invest in communication and to get this message across more.

The Buyer

The Soave restaurant tour visited Gaucho Sloane Avenue, Brindisa at South Kensington and HUŎ in Fulham

The Buyer

Are you more likely to list and talk about Soave wines as a result of the tour?

I will definitely make sure that there is more communication and information about the possibilities and opportunities for Soave wines at any level in my organisation.

What price points do you think work best for Soave in the premium on and off-trade?

About £45 to £50 in the on-trade and about £15 in the off-trade.

Which food and wine matches were particularly successful?

The Brindisa restaurant menu married very well with the 2021 vintages.

What did you think of the restaurant tour concept?

I loved it!

Harry Crowther, Good Pair Days

The Buyer

And another thing...Harry Crowther and Sergio de Luca

What was your perception of Soave in terms of its diversity, versatility and quality of its wines before the tour?

I would say I already had a good and well-established understanding of the region and what it can offer. It's a region I like and already import wines from a great producer. I have always been a fan of what Soave can do and offer.

Did that change during and after the tour - and if so why?

No big change for me. I expected the range of wines to deliver and to be able to taste a wide range of styles and levels of quality.

What do you see as Soave's big point of difference and what it should look to build on? I would sum it up by saying Soave now has a great opportunity to move up through the gears. I would like to see a greater focus on DOCG wines. I put a top DOCG wine into a blind tasting a while ago and Michelin starred sommeliers thought it was from Burgundy. It’s time for the region to premiumise and really focus on that.

Does it need to do more to explain the differences in complexity and ageing and DOC vs DOCG?

The Buyer

The group was happy to jump on and off the bus in order to get to the next restaurant

The Buyer

Yes, but then again, most regions do. Influencer marketing is probably the best way forward to do this at some level as well as producing easy to understand video content to help educate both wine enthusiasts and everyday wine drinkers.

Are you more likely to list and talk about more Soave wines as a result of being on the tour? I am already doing what I can to wave the Soave flag with our customers.

What price points do you think work best for Soave in the premium on and off-trade?

I think the best place for Soave wines should be in the mid-premium category. So wines that can sell at above £15 in the off-trade and above £50 in the on-trade.

What did you think of the restaurant tour concept?

This was my third one and it was just as fun as ever!

Sophie Jump

The Buyer

Sophie Jump said her perception of Soave was completely changed by going on the tour

What was your perception of Soave in terms of its diversity, versatility and quality of its wines before the tour?

My perception of Soavebefore the tour was a region that is producing fairly straightforward wines with a specific taste profile:fruity, easy to drink, fairly non-descript and reasonable value for money wines.

Did that change during and after the tour - and if so why?

The tour totally changed that perception. I was impressed by the individuality and personality of the majority of the wines we tasted. So many different styles and complexities. A very versatile range of wines from easy drinking to quite complex and equipped to deal with lots of different food types.

What do you see as Soave's big point of difference and what it should look to build on?

Soave has very much its own identity and history as a region and in terms of the styles of wines it is producing. The geological background was very interesting and provided a good context once we started tasting the different styles of wine. This is where the work needs to be done so that consumers and buyers understand the ‘brand’.

Does it need to do more to explain the differences in complexity and ageing and DOC vs DOCG?

The differences need to be made clear but in a very simple way, mainly from a marketing and consumer viewpoint to explain the increased price point of DOCG’s. Having said that I don’t think the consumer knows the difference in Spain for example of Crianza, Reserva and Gran Reserva so it is not an issue confined to Soave.

Are you more likely to list and talk about more Soave wines as a result of the tour?

The Buyer

The group had the chance to taste and try Soave wines against different styles of food

The Buyer

I am now much more likely to not only drink it personally, but recommend it to others - most definitely.

What price points do you think work best for Soave in the premium on and off-trade?

I think that to be successful Soave wines of all styles need to sit in the ‘excellent value for money’ category.

Which food and wine matches were particularly successful?

The restaurant tour showed perfectly how many different styles of Soave wines match many different styles of cuisine. It is extremely versatile for the on-trade scene.

What did you think of the restaurant tour concept?

This is the first tour I’ve been on with The Buyer and I think the concept is very effective, enjoyable and a great way for a region to build its brand and create brand ambassadors amongst the UK trade. It offers a targeted, qualitative opportunity for a generic to convey key messages and also for them to understand the perception of their brands first hand in the market place. One on one marketing at its best.

You can find out more about Soave and the region here.

* You can read the first report on the restaurant tour here.

The Buyer
The Buyer